In late June I traveled with some colleagues to Cleveland for the ICGS Annual Conference, ReThink, ReCharge, ReEngage, which had many sessions that relate to our Strategic Plan (as you can see from the list below). The conference was super inspiring! Now that the Coalition includes schools from all over the world, the presenters are also from schools all over the world. England, in particular, has a network of girls' schools called the Girls' Day School Trust. Several educators from these schools presented and they are doing such interesting things!
It was amazing hearing Carol Gilligan reflecting on her work of 40 years since publishing "In a Different Voice" and I also loved the other keynote speaker, Manoush Zomorodi (from Wikipedia: "journalist, podcast host and author. She was the host of the WNYC podcast Note to Self, which explores humans' relationship with technology through conversations with listeners and experts") who wrote a book about how important boredom is for your brain. She was amazing!
Here are the sessions I attended:
Reimagining Leadership Skills Within All-Girls Education
Creating a Culture of Healthy Risk-Taking: Making Difficulty Desirable
Where Girls Learn without Limits: Shaping Skills, Driving Confidence, and Creating Leaders in Girls Schools
The Journey IS the Destination: What Did Girls' Growth Look Like when Grades were Gone?
Keynote: Manoush Zomorodi
Rethinking Professional Development Session
Attending to Student and Faculty/Staff WellBeing in Girls' Schools
Reimagining Wellness Through Connection & Collaboration
Dr Carol Gilligan: Keynote Speaker
GIRLS' SCHOOLS in a MULTI-GENDER WORLD: Leading and Learning Today
Writing this reflection is a good reminder to me to read over all of my notes as we enter the school year. So much to think about!