This year's theme of Gateways to Freedom: A confluence of Truth, Joy,, Knowledge and Power...was the framing of such an inspiring conference. I was able to connect with others from independent schools across the country in addition to spending time with a wonderful cohort from the Burke's Community and also spend time to reflect and grow my own individual understanding around topics related to identity, anti-racism, community building, leadership and more. The keynote speakers were motivation and moving and 3 that really stood out for me were Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, Dr. Liza Talusan , Simon Tam, and Lacey Schwartz Delgado
Some of their resources I would recommend are:
The Identity Conscious Educator
Slanted- How an Asian American TroubleMaker Took on the Supreme Court
and productions by Truth Aid Media
Most sessions didn't provide slides but what I was able to get can be found in this google folder.