"How did the learning experience impact you and your practice?"
Today, Angelique, Elizabeth, and I reexamined the 4th grade scope and sequence for Math. With the knowledge and experience that Elizabeth brings, we decided what to keep and what to "sample" from Bridges and Cathy Fosnot curricula materials. We created our new 4th grade math team by sharing experiences with teaching and with curricula, such as Bridges, Investigations, and Fosnot. We then looked at our scope and sequence for the year and revised as needed, especially with Angelique's background knowledge of the 4th grade. Today was a SUPER BOOST to get us all ready for the fall, especially since we have a new math coteacher in 4th grade! Establishing relationships is so important when it comes effectively working together, so it was great to "dive in!" with not only the curriculum, but also with getting to know one another. It's going to be a great year!
I'm curious to see what Fosnot unit(s) you decide to try and happy to support any and all math instruction goals, needs, wants as I miss that part of my previous role. I'm so glad the collaborative time was a super boost and an opportunity to work together with a new team.